
Sunday, November 30, 2008

What do mission organizations do for these people?

I used to think that people like missionaries were just being mettlesome and intruding on other people's lives. I mean why go all the way across to some unknown place and risk your life to save people who seem to be quite well off without any help from modern society. And anyways who's to say the missionaries would receive any appreciation or thanks for all their work?

It's only recently that I began to realize how shallow that sort of thinking was and that there's so much more in missionary work and how it can affect people's lives, for cultures like the Sawi and even our "modern" cultures.

Usually I would think, sure, Sawi culture is different, but there's no need to introduce to a new perspective on life to rescue them from their "evil ways." Who's to say that cannabalism is evil, and more evil than the disgusting murders commited in our cultures. Sin is supposed to be the same in God's eyes right? So then who are we
to judge other people when we lie to, cheat, and deceive those around us everyday. So that's where I figured, the Sawi are just living the way they were brought up, there's no reason to change their views when they seem to be fine as they are.

Then I finally get it, missionaries don't just go in to convert people or "improve" lives, but to show another way to live, and the life they show them just happens to be the one that glow's with the warmth of Chirist's love. The belief in God isn't forced upon anyone but is simply related to and explained, it's up to one's own desire whether to follow it or not.

Life is a gift of God and in my opinion shouldn't be wasted by just functioning through everyday life without any thought of our own, constantly worrying about the many people/entities you have to please, and doing things that don't quite agree with you. I'm beginning to believe that if we can follow Christ's way we can avoid many of the unpleasantries in life and find our true calling and fulfill our duties as people put on Earth. And so if you ask me what I think missionaries do for people, I guess they help people find another light in life, modern or not, with or without our gratit
ude because the gratification they seek is given to them by God and doing His work.

Posted by Jin Yoo at 3:05 AM |


At November 30, 2008 at 3:55 PM, Blogger D@n!kA said........
I agree with your first paragraph, however I do not think that, that is shallow thinking. I really liked this " Who's to say that cannabalism is evil, and more evil than the disgusting murders commited in our cultures. Sin is supposed to be the same in God's eyes right?" as I totally agree with it and you wrote it very well. I did not read any of your earlier posts but now I think I shall :)

At November 30, 2008 at 4:12 PM, Blogger Lucia Jeong said........
I agree with you where you said that missionaries go into other cultures not just to convert people, but to show them another way to live and the opportunity to learn more about Christ. Other times, I also think there are those who forcefully try to change the culture to belive in Christianity. Also, I liked how you expressed your thoughts about how sin appears to be the same in God's eyes. I liked how you brought up new ideas that I haven't thought of. Great job=)

At November 30, 2008 at 4:16 PM, Blogger said........
"...then who are we to judge other people when we lie to, cheat, and deceive those around us everyday." So obvious, but I failed to realize this. You really opened up another door for me. Christianity was introduced to me and I had a choice, so therefore, obviously, the natives have a choice too! This whole time I was very narrow minded and did not compare myself with the natives that in fact we had many things in common. Thanks Jin #2.

-Sincerely, Jin #1 (for real)

At December 2, 2008 at 5:41 PM, Blogger Haichan Park said........
Jin I agree to what you have said in this blog. I believe that in God's eyes all sins are the same whether is the smallest thing as stealing a pencil or eating each other up. In my opinion I don't think when missionaries go into new cultures they're trying to force their religion upon them but rather give them an alternative lifestyle, as you have stated, because God doesn't want his followers to be forced but rather doing the will of God from their everlasting love.

At February 2, 2009 at 5:14 AM, Blogger African Globe Trotters. said........
Jin you are writing so well; your depth of understanding is clear and you are helping others to go beyond the obvious. Terrific job! Mrs.Mc.